Crossfit Programming 12-19th December | Crossfit GYM

Crossfit Programming 12-19th December

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Crossfit programming 5th-12th December
December 4, 2016
Screen Shot 2016 12 09 at 08.45.07
Crossfit programming 19th – After Christmas
December 18, 2016

Crossfit Programming 12-19th December

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This is a lighter week, as a slight deload so our boys are ready to push hard over the next few weeks. So we have a big focus on positions and skills this week. We also have a shoulder stretch routine for you on Sunday. Please take time to fit this in.

Our Christmas Party

Our Christmas Party

2 sets
Single arm hang 30 seconds
10 x rear fly 2 second hold (with band)
3 Sets
3 Strict Chest to bar with 2 second pause – With band if needed to achieve reps.
30 Second Hollow Body rock
No heave snatch Balance –Full depth 6×2
(will be fairly light)
Partner WOD
50 Cleans Rx 50/30kg
50 Burpees
Tabata Warm up
Double unders
Bridge ups
6x 20s Front squat hold @ 50/60%
WOD 6 rounds
5 Snatch 40/25kg
20 Double unders
RX + 8 x snatch & 30 double unders
5 sets
30 second Handstand shoulder stretch
Skin the Cat + 10 second hold in hang
10 V-ups
Kipping chest to bars
WOD Every 2 mins for 20 mins
Max in 60 seconds
7 Burpees Box jumps
Max Chest to bar pull ups
Rest 60 seconds
RX+ Muscle ups
2 sets:
Foam roll upper back 60 seconds
Box Thoracic and shoulder stretch 60 seconds
Split jerk from toes 5×3
Wall balls 25-20-15-10-5
Ring dips 5-5-5-5-5
Banded shoulder opener 2 mins
2 x 10 Hamstring curls with band
3 position Snatch (3s pause in each hold position) 5×2
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
15 squat cleans, RX 50/30kg RX + 60/35kg
Rest 2 mins
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
13 squat cleans, RX 60/35kg RX+ 84/52.5kg
Rest 2 mins
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
11 squat cleans, RX 70/40kg RX+ 102.5/65kg
6:30am crew, smashing it!

6:30am crew, smashing it!

9:45am Class
Warm up
EMOTM alternating x10
Hand stand hold
Max pull ups
Strength x 10 mins
OH lunge build to 6 rep max
11 Min amrap
200m run
10 Box step ups
10 Push press with bar
11am Class
Snatch High pull 5 x 3
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Parallette handstand push-ups
10 Toes through rings
20 pound Medicine ball cleans, 15 reps
Narcotics Detective and Special Assignment Unit Operator Carlos Ledesma, 34, of the Chandler Police Department, Chandler, Arizona, was shot and killed by drug dealers on July 28, 2010, during an undercover operation in Phoenix, Arizona. He is survived by his wife Sherry and sons Luciano and Elijo.
Here is a simple shoulder stretch routine for you to do at home:

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