Weeks programming @ the Box
August 10 to 16 2015
Ryan running off a box jump bite
Saturday 15th
2. Strength
A. 1×15 Overhead Squats for max load
B. 1×10 Front Squats for max load
C. 1×5 Back Squats for max load
Rest as needed between sections.
3. Gymnastics Conditioning
A. 50 C2B Pull ups in as few sets as possible.
B. 30 Strict Pull ups in as few sets as possible.
C. 30 ring dips (RX + 15 Muscle ups in as few sets as possible.)
Rest as needed between sections.
4. Barbell Conditioning*
21-15-9 For time:
Power Clean, 60/35kg
Front Rack Lunges,
Push Jerks,
*Workout courtesy of Pat Sherwood
Friday 14th
2. Midline Accessory Work
Teach GHD holds
30 seconds Weighted Prone GHD Hold (hold a hip extension face down)
30 seconds Weighted Supine GHD Hold (face up)
While not working ing GHD 5×10-15 Barbell roll outs.
1. Conditioning
6 Cleans, 60/35kg
7 Burpee Pull ups – bar should be about 6″ above max reach
10 KBS, 24/16kg
200 Meter Run
Thursday 13th
1. Snatch
Warm up:
Coach go through: With bar as group then with weight as group:
A. 1×2 Snatch Grip Push Press from behind neck
B. 10×1 Pause OHS – 10 second hold at rock bottom
EMOMx6: 1 Squat Snatch from Low Hang (below knees), climbing
Gymnastics Conditioning
3 sets of: Max strict strict + 4 kipping HSPU without coming off the wall, minimal rest between sets
4. Conditioning
15 Box jumps
5 strict pull ups
12 box jumps
4 strict pull ups
10 box jumps
4 strict pull ups
30 Wallballs, 20/14
RX+ chest to bar pull ups
Wednesday 12th
Skills and recovery day
15 minute amrap:
Alternating each minute:
- Kipping pull ups 3 x max effort
- Jumping muscle ups x 2
- Ring dips x Stop 1 rep short of max each time
RX + Every 3 minutes 1 set of best unbroken bar muscle ups followed by 10m handstand walk
4. Conditioning
5x300m Row, 1 min rest
Tuesday 11th
Warm up: Gymnastics Conditioning
EMOMx10: 10 Barbell Facing Burpees for time
Strength Every 1:30
5×5 Pausing Overhead Thrusters,
(climbing up in weight each set. Must pause for 2 full seconds at the top of every rep.)
WOD: Barbell Conditioning
with a running clock…
A. at the 0:00 complete 15 Unbroken Clean and Jerks
B. at the 7:00 complete 12 Unbroken Clean and Jerks
C. at the 14:00 complete 9 Unbroken Clean and Jerks
Monday 10th
1. Strength
3×3 OHS
2. Snatch Skills
A. 3×2 Snatch Pull from High Hang – pockets
B. 2×2 Snatch Pull from Hang – mid thigh
C. 1×2 Snatch Pull from Ground
4. Conditioning
600m run
30 Overhead Squats RX 40/25kg
30 C2B Pull ups
400m Row
15 OHS
15 C2B
RX +60/40kg
RIches last day at the box