Strict press 5×2
Push press max reps at same weight
Pairs Or single WOD:
Hero Throwdowns wod 16.1
For time:
10 Handstand push-ups
Deadlift, 15 reps 115/70kg
25 Box jumps, 30/24 inch box
50 Pull-ups
100 Wallball shots, 9/6kg, 10′
200 Double-unders
Run 400 meters with a 20/15kg plate
Snatch balance + OHS 6×2+2 (climbing)
20 Minute amrap
Min 1 20 Double unders
Min 2 OHS for score
RX 50/30kg
Sc 40/20kg
Note (you do not have to complete 20 Double under but you do have to attempt them for the whole 60 seconds) as its not for score just for skills there is No scaling for double unders.
Muscle up Skills
EMOTM for 10 mins Alternating with partner
3 x Swing on high rings
3 x Banded Catch on low rings
WOD 10 rounds for time
3 Chest to bar Pull ups
3 HSPU or Headstand Kick to press ups
16 Alternating leg OH Lunge with plate 25/15 kg
High hang cleans 5×3
5 Rounds for time
6 Toes to bar
5 Clean
4 Push press
Rx 60/35kg
Death by Pull ups:
EMOTM + 1 Strict Chest to bar pull ups.
Battle of the bests wod 16.1
2k Row for time.
10 Minute time cap and 1 thruster must be performed for every minute.
1 on Minute 1, 2 on minute 2 climbing….
10am Foundation class:
6 Minutes of double unders EMOTM 5 V-ups
Push press – Coach then built to 3 rep Max over 8 minutes
Front squats build to heavy 3 over 5 Minutes
WOD – 9 Min amrap
3 Pull ups
15 KB swings
100m run
Hero Throwdowns wod 16.1 (Or if already completed) Battle of the beast WOD 16.1
For time:
10 Handstand push-ups
Deadlift, 15 reps 115/70kg
25 Box jumps, 30/24 inch box
50 Pull-ups
100 Wallball shots, 9/6kg, 10′
200 Double-unders
Run 400 meters with a 20/15kg plate