Everyone is smashing it so far, well done!!
The coaches are really proud of all the effort people are putting in and the fantastic atmosphere during the Open workouts. Keep it up team, bring on 19.4 this week!
3 Sets
6 Front squats @ 60-70%
Rest 30 seconds
9 Back squats at same weight
(Rest 2/3 mins in between sets)
12 minute AMRAP
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc….
Power cleans 60/40kg
Ring dips
8 Minute EMOM (work up to your 70% before the EMOM)
Min 1: 5 Deadlifts @ 70% (slightly more than last week)
Min 2: 10 DB/KB Single arm strict press (5 each side)
20 minute EMOM – Alternating partners each minute
Every minute 1 partner will complete:
10 Wall Ball Shots 6/9kg
5 Pull Ups
In the remaining time of the minute: AMRAP burpees
(Score is Total Burpees)
Min 1: 7-9 strict chest to bar pull ups
Min 2: 4-8 strict HSPU (have you had enough of these yet?! 😉 )
Min 3: 15 seated leg raise over KB
3 x 3 minute AMRAP’s
In a 3 minute window, AMRAP:
10 DB box step overs 20/24” (1 x 22.5/15kg DB/KB)
12 cals or reps – bike/row/burpees
(2 Minutes rest)
In 3 minute window, AMRAP
10 DB snatch 22.5/15kg DB/KB
12 box jumps 20/24”
(2 minutes rest)
In 3 minute window, AMRAP
5 wall walks
12 air squats
Active Recovery WOD (anyone not in the Open or not doing it on Friday, feel free to go hard!)
Mobility/Prep/Fun warm up
4 Rounds for time – move well on this one and don’t rush the movements
50 DU / 100 singles
40 Walking lunges
30 Ab-mat Sit-ups
20 Renegade Row (You choose the weight, 10 each arm)
1 Rope Climb
Accumulate 3 minutes in a hollow body hold.
Every time you need to break, roll over into the ‘superman’ hold position until ready to go back into the hollow hold.
Mobility/Stretch/Cool down
Open workout 19.4
Workout and Strength announced on the day