Snatch 1 rm – Competition style
15 Minute Warm up – building weights.
Followed by 4 lifts – Aiming to hit your new 1RM
Coach knees to elbows
WOD 11 Minute amrap
6 Knees to elbows
8 Press ups
10 Box jumps
20 Mins to build to new 1RM Front squat
WOD in Pairs
60 Box step ups
50 KB Snatch
40 Ball slams 9/6kg
30 Burpees
20 Jumps squats
Warm up include skills for strength
Strict pull ups
Kipping HSPU warm up
3 sets
Every 90 seconds
4-8 HSPU kipping (RX+ strict)
4 x Archer pull ups (RX+ hold 1-4 seconds at top)
12 x Single leg squat to 20” box (RX+ with KB)
WOD In Pairs 3 rounds
Box Jump 30”/24” – 60 seconds
Row Cals- 50 Seconds
10 seconds changeover
Bike Cals- 50 seconds
Rest 3:10 mins
Coaches note (Start first pair on Box, second pair follow on 60 seconds later, 3rd pair 60 seconds later etc…)
Clean & jerk 1 rm – Competition style
15 Minute Warm up – building weights.
Followed by 4 lifts – Aiming to hit your new 1RM
WOD 8 minute amrap
10 Air squats
10 Power cleans @40%
10 Push jerk @40%
20 Mins to find
1 RM back squat
For time
30 double unders
30 Double unders
45 Wallballs
30 Double unders
15 Chest to bars
30 double unders
RX+ Bar Muscle ups instead of chest to bars
8 x 2 Power snatch