Lunchtime crew after the WOD
Extra rowing session
4 x 500m max effort with a 2 minute rest between sets
EMOTM for 6 mins Alternating
40 seconds Handstand push ups (strict to failure then kip)
20 seconds strict pull ups
Front squats every 2 mins
5 x 3 @ 85% again must go up from last week
WOD 30 seconds on 30 seconds rest for 16 mins
Odd minutes: Wall balls
Even Minutes :Double unders
Score = two scores 1 for wall balls 1 for double unders.
Mobility 2 rounds
Hip flexors
Banded Chest openener
Thoracic flexion on roller
Every 2 mins (includes warm up, first set with bar)
0-6 1 xTall clean, 1 x high hang clean, 1 x Clean & jerk
8-12 Clean & jerk
14-16 2 x Clean deadlifts @ 1rm climbing
WOD in pairs 12 minute amrap
30 Thrusters 20/15kg
30 Toes to bar
25 Thrusters 30/20kg
25 Toes to bar
20 Thrusters 40/25kg
20Toes to bar
15 Thrusters 50/35kg
15 Toes to bar
10 Thrusters 60/45
10 Toes to bar
5 Thrusters 70/50
5 Toes to bar
Pipa & the 6:30am crew
Giant set (not for time)
20 Strict pull ups
20 Strict Handstand push ups
10 Dragon flag negatives (5 seconds down)
Every 2 mins
5 x 3 OH squats across
WOD 7 Minute amrap
6 Clean
6 Push press
24 Double unders
RX 50/30 RX+60/40
2 sets
30 seconds German Hang
30 sec Ankle flexion
30 second HS hold
5 sets every 1:30
2 x Snatch pause deadlifts @ 80% (Pause at 1 inch, knee & High hang)
followed by t sets
2 Snatch deadlifts at 1rm
WOD For time
100m run
20 toes to bar
20 air squats
20 press ups
20 box jumps
20 pull ups
20 burpees
On three close your eyes
Open workout 17.4! (Wall balls or thrusters? or maybe wall balls and thrusters! I would love that.)
9:45 am Saturday
Warm up
EMOTM for 8 mins alternating
Pull ups max
Handstand hold – 20-30 seconds
5 Mins skills warm up on Hang clean
Every 2 mins for 12 mins
1 x hang clean + 5 Front squats
WOD 10 Minute amrap
Skipping 50
Press ups 5
Knees to chest 5
11am Class
Open workout 17.4