12 week block – 3 weeks on, 1 week deload x 3.
This week we will pull back on the Strength/Olympic lifting work and let the last 3 weeks of positional, tempo and technique work settle in. Those tempo back squats have been tough! Even though there won’t be too much volume lifting-wise, there will be some fun movements we haven’t done for a while for you to play with instead. I stress, don’t go too heavy on the complexes, these are for technique and form. The weight lifted isn’t important right now. The next 3 weeks will build upon the basics we have worked on in this first phase and the weights/percentages will increase.
There will also be a chance to gauge your current fitness this week with 2 WOD’s that we will be re-testing at the end of this 12 week cycle. The first will be Tuesday (aerobic test), the second on Friday (benchmark WOD).
Lastly, the Saturday 9:45am CrossFit class will now come under the programming and fit in line with the rest of the week. We feel this will make it much more consistent and easier for our members to reach their overall goals by knowing what’s planned in each session. If you don’t want to know what the workout is beforehand, don’t look ?
Have a great week team!
(Duncan is back and straight into the workouts!)
Easter Monday
Individuals in-house competition hosted by coach Will
12 minutes to establish a 2 rep Bear complex (not a max)
(2 full cycles of the complex without putting the bar down).
Aerobic test workout (To be repeated in the last block)
‘Lung Burn’
For time:
400m run
21 burpees
21 wall balls 9/6kg
400m run
15 burpees
15 wall balls
400m run
9 burpees
9 wall balls
Min 1: 30-45 second wall facing HS hold
Min 2: 30-45 seconds of kip swings
Min 3: 30 seconds of superman rocks
5 rounds for quality:
10 pull ups
20 box jumps 24/20”
40 DU / 80 SU
12 minutes to establish a technical heavy complex: (not a max)
5 Snatch grip deadlifts
3 Hang power snatch
For time with only 1 partner working at a time on the med ball thrusters and Overhead lunges. Passing the ball to each other on the sit ups (see video).
10 synchro down/ups
40 Med ball thrusters 12/9kg
40 Med ball OH lunges 12/9kg
40 Partner med ball sit ups 12/9kg
10 synchro down/ups
30 Med ball Thrusters
30 Med ball OH lunges
30 Partner med ball Sit ups
10 synchro down/ups
20 Med ball thrusters
20 Med ball OH lunges
20 Partner med ball sit ups
10 synchro down/ups
Functional Friday!
15 minute cap.
Accumulate 1 minute active hanging from bar (Every time you drop, 10 sit ups)
Rest 90 seconds
Accumulate 90 seconds in forearm plank (Every time you stop, 10 air squats)
Rest 90 seconds
Accumulate 2 minutes in wall sit (Every time you break, 10 push ups)
‘Satans Whiskers’
3 rounds for time:
10 Chest to bar pull ups
10 Front squats 75/50kg
10 burpees
Single arm DB/KB Push press 3 x 8 each arm @ tempo 20X1 (Control for 2 seconds on way down)
Build to a heavy 8 with great form. Rest 2/3 mins between each set. 20 seconds rest between arms.
WOD: (13 mins total)
3 min AMRAP
21 Goblet squats (you choose weight)
18 push ups
REST 2 mins
3 min AMRAP
15 American KB swings (you choose weight)
12 Ab mat sit ups
REST 2 mins
9 Jumping air squats
6 KB/DB hang clean each arm (12 reps total. You choose weight)
(You will have 3 separate scores)