Second week of the CrossFit Open. Check back to last weeks programming article for recommendations about training during the Open. If you haven’t signed up, then continue as normal and hit each workout as you wish. Thursdays are active recovery days during the Open.
4 sets
3 OHS @ same weight you worked up to last week for 4
Rest 30 seconds
6 Front squats at same weight
(Rest 3 mins in between sets)
EMOM 20 min – Choose a weight/scale that allows you to perform the amount of reps stated every time.
Min 1: 8 snatches 45/30kg
Min 2: 12 pull ups
Min 3: 8 HSPU
Min 4: 15-30 second wall sit
10 Minute EMOM
Min 1: 7 Deadlifts @ 60% (slightly heavier than last week)
Min 2: 10 DB/KB Push press (5 each side, same weight or more than last week)
‘You go, I go’ 16 minute AMRAP
Take it in turns to complete 1 whole round each, alternating. This needs to be fast, hit each round as hard as possible. Rest when your partner is working.
12 ball slams
9 hand release push ups
6 box jump overs
Min 1: 6-8 strict chest to bar pull ups
Min 2: 8-10 ring dips
Min 3: 6-8 strict toes to bar
Chipper for time (KB swings are full American swings)
200 DU
50 KB swings 24/16kg
25 ab mat sit ups
150 DU
40 KB Swings
20 sit ups
100 DU
30 KB swings
15 sit ups
40 minute EMOM
Moving at a smooth pace throughout, no more than 80%.
Min 1: 10 burpees
Min 2: 20 glute bridges with 2 sec pause at top
Min 3: Cals Row 15/12 or Bike 14/10
Min 4: 10 supinated ring rows + 5 push ups
Min 5: 20 air squats
Workout and Strength announced on the day