New S&C cycle:
We are following the Juggernaut system for the next 6 weeks. This will have a great effect on improving your strength.
We will also be focusing on reseting and improving your core strength, this will have a massive effect on all of your strength but will take time.
I have also included extra work for those of you with specific goals at the end. If your squat is your weakness, please make sure you do the leg strength on Tuesday or do that on an alternate day.
Strict toes to bar 2 x 10
EMOTM for 12 minutes
Power Clean 3 at 60%
WOD 12 minute AMRAP Partner relay
2 x Strict toes to bar
3 x HSPU (kip)
4 x Box jumps
5 x Burpees
RX+ Deficit HSPU
Press up Plank reset – in pairs teach plank position:
Ribs tucked not flared – ABS & gluten active
Fingers spread and active
Chin tucked and long neck
Coach – this shape into press up for WOD
Back Squat 4×10 at 60%, 5th sets 60%xAMAP
Hollow body hold to V up —2×10
Coach muscle ups or Pull ups (athletes close to muscle ups focus on box muscle ups in WOD, others chest to bars or pull ups)
WOD 7 rounds for time
3 Muscle ups/ Box muscle ups or pull ups
5 Press ups
20 Double unders
Helen, nailing her L-sit
Warm up with plank reset: in pairs teach plank position:
Ribs tucked not flared – ABS & gluten active
Fingers spread and active
Chin tucked and long neck
Military Press 3 sets 55/65/75%x5
Romanian Dead Lifts 2×12-15 (perfect form)
6 mins to Coach rope climbs
WOD Alternate every 60 seconds for 18 Mins
Row – Cals
Dumbbell Snatch 20/12kg
Rope climb
American KB swings 16/12kg
Kick up to HS holds 2 seconds (Each rep =1)
EMOTM for 12 Mins
Power Snatch 3 at 60%,
Handstand holds 3 x 30 seconds
WOD 8 minute amrap
100m Run
5 x Overhead squat 40/25kg
5 x Barbell rollouts
RX+ 50/35kg
Chinups (Strict, weighted if possible) 2×12 to 15,
Ring dips 4×10 + final set AMAP
Deadlift 3 sets
WOD 5 rounds for time
Wall balls 25
Pull ups 6
Cash out 200m Run
RX+ Chest to bars
9:45am class:
6 Minutes of double unders EMOTM 5 V-ups
Push press – Coach then built to 3 rep Max over 8 minutes
Front squats build to heavy 3 over 5 Minutes
WOD – 9 Min amrap
3 Pull ups
15 KB swings
100m run
11am Class
EMOTM for 6 mins alternating
Back Extensions 12
Barbell roll outs 10
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
42.5 kg Squat clean
80kg pound Deadlift
24″ Box jump
Begin each round with a 50 meter Bear crawl.
U.S. Army Corporal Nathan B. Carse, 32, of Harrod, Ohio, assigned to the 2nd Engineer Battalion, 176th Engineer Brigade, based out of White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, died in Kandahar, Afghanistan, on February 8, 2011, from wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit using an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his mother Janis and sisters Megan Brown and Kristin Purdy.
Extra work:
Engine & fitness
For those of you wanting to improve their engine (firstly come to Wednesday) or training for runs:
100m @80%
200m @75%
400m @70%
200m @75%
100m @80%
2 mins rest between each set. Note non of these are at 100% speed.
Olympic lifting & strength
Sit ups 3 sets of 10 – Non explosive
3 Sets of GHD back extention Holds x 20 seconds
Gareth, Rich, Tony & Shaz with that friday feeling