I hope you all had a great Easter. Well done to all the new athletes who took part in their first bank holiday competition at the box & everyone else who competed and made them awesome days. A slightly shorter week this week so we have had to squeeze more strength in.
Weighted Ring dips (aiming for 3 reps) -3 sets climbing,
Bent over Rows 2× 15 40/25kg
Power Clean-9×3 at 75%,
12 minute amrap
12 x front rack Lunge 20/15kg (each leg is a rep)
200m run
RX+ 40kg & Deficit HSPU
Every 3 mins
Deadlift-3×10 at 67.5%,
Chin ups 2 x 15
Partner WOD 2 rounds
2 mins Dumbbell thruster (15/10kg) & 10m Over head Plate carry (25/15kg)
Rest 2 mins
2 mins Sand bag over shoulder (20kg bag/15kg ball) & Turkish get up (12/8kg)
Rest 2 mins
RX+ 40/20kg bag & 16/12kg turkish get up + 40kg sand bag carry
Barbell rollouts -2×10,
Every 1:30:
Power Snatch-9×3 at 75%,
WOD 8 Minute AMRAP
4 Pull ups
16 Wall balls
4 Box jumps
RX+ Muscle ups
Military Press-2×10 at 67.5%, 67.5%xAMAP,
Back Squat-60/70/80%x3,
French throwdown Wod 1
The WOD 1 & 2 are released on the 2oth of April & they will be a tough challenge.
9:45am class
3 mins Max double unders
Coach Clean & push press
8 mins to Build to heavy clean & push press
WOD: 10 Minute am rap
200m Run
20 Kettlebells swings
5 Pull ups (jumping)
11am class
Giant Set (Just work through the reps this is for quality not for time)
RDLs 12
Back extensions 12
Strict toes to bar 15
Back Extensions
Romanian deadlift 12
French throwdown wod 2