Post wod also Dunc, Dunca, Tony, Andi, Matt and Verity
1. Squat
EMOMx10: 1 Back Squat, across
WOD (from gymnastics WOD)
EMOM 15 Minutes:
Minute 1: 10 Chest to Bar Butterfly Pull Ups with Kick
Minute 2: 10 Handstand Push Ups with Wall
Minute 3: 10 Burpee Box Jumps
“Red White and Blue Crew”
In a 10 Minute Window:
1 Mile Run, Max Squat Snatch 40/25
Rest 3:00
In a 7 Minute Window:
800m, Max Sq Cleans, 50/30
Rest 3:00
In a 4 Minute Window:
400m, Max Thrusters, 50/30
A. 5×5 Strict press (HSPU RX+)
2. Barbell Conditioning
In teams of 3, complete:
A. In 7 mins complete the following Push Presses:
50 reps at 40/25
50 reps at 50/30
AMRAP at 60/35
rest 3 minutes
B. In 7 mins complete the following Back Squats:
50 reps at 60/35
50 reps at 70/40
AMRAP at 80/45
rest 3 minutes
C. In 7 mins complete the following Power Cleans:
50 reps at 50/25
50 reps at 60/35
AMRAP at 70/40
Note: add a RX+ option
Oli showing off the new boxes he made
10 mins focusing on:
Planche progressions.
3 ROUNDS for quality not time:
NOTE: All Movements Except Hollow Rock, Is Tempo Based. 3 Seconds To The Bottom. Hold The Bottom For 2 Seconds Before Returning To The Starting Position And Reseting.
10 Alternating One Arm Push Up, See One-Arm Push Up Progressions
10 Alternating Pistols
5 Roll to Candle Sticks
15 Hollow Rocks
8 rounds of :20s on, :10s off
Wall Balls, 30/20
Double Unders
Row, Calories
Box jumps
1. Clean and Jerk
Work up to a heavy complex of: Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
2. Accessory Strength Work
3×8 Front Rack Step ups
Set up a stack of plates 12-20″ off the floor and do 8 step ups on one leg before moving to the next. Don’t push off the trailing leg.Conditioning
OHS, 40/25kg
Box Jump Overs
1. Snatch
3×1 Squat Snatch at 85%
2. Squat
1×10 Back Squats
Our Squat program… Tuesdays will vary in scheme (reps and sets) and approach (“across” or “climbing”) and DO NOT need to be heavier each week – take what is there that day. Friday should always be “ACROSS” and should be a “Linear Progression”, meaning the weight should increase 5-10 lbs every week.
Run 800m
100 KB Swings
50 Pull-Ups
Jamie post Wod