CrossFit programming 25.3.19 (Deload week) | Crossfit GYM

CrossFit programming 25.3.19 (Deload week)

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CrossFit programming 25.3.19 (Deload week)

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25th –> 30th March 2019

(Deload week)

After 5 weeks of Open workouts, we are having a deload. This week will be less volume than normal, with more focus on longer workouts and skill development. Have a read of this article to get a better understanding of why a deload week is essential to long term development. 
Also, please don’t forget Saturday 30th March we will be hosting memorial workout ‘Subra’ in memory of the legendary member who recently passed.


Monday 25th March

20 minutes to work on the Snatch 
You could build to a heavy single, work on linking reps together, or even just practice technique with an empty bar. These could be power snatches or full squat snatch, you choose. This will be a great chance to receive some feedback and tips to help you with your technique.
(3 x 4 minute AMRAPS)
5 Hang power snatches 40/25kg
10 bar over burpees
2 minutes rest
10 overhead squats 40/25kg
15 T2B
2 minutes rest
15 Deadlifts 40/25kg
20 Box jumps 24/20


Tuesday 26th March

“Jenkins” (British hero Pairs WOD)
Split the work however, but must run together.
AMRAP with a Partner in 40 minutes
50 Burpees
400m Run
50 Full kettlebell swings (24/16 kg)
400m Run
50 Pull-Ups
400m Run
50 Push-Ups
400m Run


Wednesday 27th March

20 minutes to work on the Clean & Jerk.
You could build to a heavy single, work on linking reps together, or even just practice technique with an empty bar. This will be a great chance to receive some feedback and tips to help you with your technique.
4 rounds for time
75 Double unders / 150 singles
15 Power cleans 50/30kg
75 Double unders / 150 singles
10 Shoulder to Overhead 50/30kg


Thursday 28th March

15 minutes of Mobility for Shoulders and Thoracic spine.
Min 1: 200m run
Min 2: 5 man makers (Use 2 KB’s or DB’s)
If 200m is too hard to complete within the minute, modify the distance to something which takes around 40/45 seconds to finish.
Select 2 DB/KB’s that will give you around 15 seconds rest each time on the man makers. This will be an awesome endurance workout.


Friday 29th March

15 minutes practice to work on 1 movement.
Pick from either:

  • Handstand holds
  • Handstand push ups
  • Handstand walking

Benchmark workout – ‘Angie’
For time:
100 Pull ups
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Squats


Saturday 30th March

Memorial workout  – ‘Subra’ (11am. Check Facebook for more details – the more people the better!)

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