Every 2 mins:
Oh squat 4×4 (pf)
Snatch – Climbing
Event 1 Crossfit team series:
For time:
Relay as Pairs
21-15-9 reps of:
Synchronized burpees
Synchronized overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
Synchronized chest-to-bar pull-ups
Jerk Warm up:
EMOTM for 5 mins: (Just with bar)
1 Jerk (3 second pause in dip) + 3 jerk press
Clean + jerk – Climbing
WOD 6 rounds for time
5 Thrusters
10 Press ups (hand release)
5 Box jumps
RX 60/35kg
8 mins warm up on following skills:
Double Tabata
(alternating every 20 seconds)- 3-6 Chest to bar & 6 x HSPU
WOD 4 rounds for time:
10 V-ups
8 Dish rocks
6 Bridge ups
4 Candle sticks
200m Run
60 second rest
EVERY 2 mins – 6 sets
1-4 reps x Alternating with partner, False grip Ring muscle ups & press with feet on ground or assisted on high rings.
Strength Every 2 Mins
Deadlift 6×6
WOD: 12 minute amrap
Note focus on good form of BOR before wod. Aim is to build lactic endurance in arms & get skilful at Bar facing burpees.
30 BOR 20/15kg
6 Bar facing burpees
Every 2 mins for 12 mins:
TTB 9 (focus on skill and stringing them together)
30 x Doubles unders (no singles, must attempt double under for 45 seconds)
Wall balls
Ring dips
Row 500m
9:45 am
Warm up
EMOTM for 8 mins alternating
Pull ups max
Handstand hold – 20-30 seconds
Skills warm up on Hang clean
Every 2 mins for 10 mins (just with bar)
1 x hang clean + 5 Front squats
WOD 10 Minute amrap
Skipping 50
Press ups 5
Knees to chest 5
11am CLASS
Every 2 mins:
Front Squat 4×4 (pf)
As many rounds as possible in 20 min
22 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings
In honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.