Fantastic week of personal bests last week!
3 rounds
Min 1 – OH Lunge x 16
Min 2 – Bridge x 8
Min 3 – Leg raise to l sit x 8
Min 4 – Chinese plank 20 seconds
Crossfit team series 2016 – Workout 3
Rx’d Workout
Relay as individuals
100 double-unders
25 toes-to-bars
25 deadlifts (225 / 155 lb.)
50 box jump overs (24 / 20 in.)
Order: M-F-M-F
Time cap: 25 minutes
Scaled Workout
Relay as individuals
100 single-unders
25 sit-ups
25 deadlifts (155 / 105 lb.)
50 box step overs (20 / 20 in.)
Order: M-F-M-F
Time cap: 25 minutes
Tabata – every set 2-4 Chest to bar pull ups (Aim is to increase range so must get chest to bar so use band rather than scale down to pull ups)
Advanced athletes focus on butterflies.
Warm up Every 60 seconds
2 sets of
5 Split press with bar
2 sets of
5 Split Jerk with 3 second pause at Base of Dip and in split Catch.
Every 2 mins for 16 mins
Jerk 3-2-1 Rest 10 seconds between 3-2-1 (So 3 Jerk 10 seconds rest, 2 jerk 10 seconds rest, 1 jerk)
Weight = 70% of 1RM
Pull ups
RX 42.5/25 kg
The 6:30am Crew!
EMOTM alternating for 10 mins
Kipping HSPU or headstand to press up
2-9 TTB – focus on linking or not using lats
5 Rounds for time:
12 ring dips
100m run
60 seconds rest
Every 2 mins x 7 – First set at 50% 1rm snatch climbing when set feels great
2 OH Squat + 1 Snatch balance
WOD 7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Bar over burpees
RX 60/40kg
9:30am class
Dodgeball warm up on Facebook live.
Alternating with a partner – 3 sets with false grip followed by 2 sets with out
5 sets x 6 Low ring muscle up pulls & press with feet on box
Crossfit Open WORKOUT 12.3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps
Push press, 12 reps 52.5/30kg
9 Toes-to-bar
Handstand fun with our Gymnastic class
Class is canceled due to Hero throwdown & Gym social. Please come and watch instead!
10:30 meet at gym. 11am start of competition 12:30 BBQ.
Check out the Hero throwdown here: